What did I learn?
This was the first game I made in Unity and also the first game I made using C# in general. I learned a lot about the language features from this project such as the MonoBehavior system, coroutines, design patterns in C# and more. I really enjoyed working on this game as it was the first “racing” game that I made and I had to research how to implement a proper drift mechanic which was a lot of fun.
Drift Cabs is the first game I made in Unity. It was a project made for the course Game Mechanics for which each student received 2 unique keywords.

My keywords were "wheel" and "player death".

"Wheel" is obviously incorporated by means of driving in a taxi and picking up people as you go.

"Player death" is implemented as a type of rogue-like feature: you can upgrade the current taxi you're driving with, but as soon as that taxi runs out of health, you have to drive with the next cab at the cab company but you lose all your upgrades to the previous taxi car.

Most assets used were made by Kenney.

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